Beatles People: The Fab Four.

Beatles People

Who Influenced The Beatles?

There were many people with a connection to the Beatles who had a lot of influence on the band. Therefore, we list them here on the Beatles People page. Check out their biographies and other relevant information.

Over the years, we have had many debates about who was the Fifth Beatle, if ever there was one.

However, this comes down to two people, in our opinion. Firstly, there is The Beatles’ producer, George Martin. Secondly, there is The Beatles’ manager, Brian Epstein. Of course, we have seen Sir Paul McCartney give that title to both of them. Perhaps, then, it might be fitting to award the title to both of them! But who do you think was the fifth Beatle?

Other Beatles People

The list above shows some of the people involved with the Fab Four. However, to see a lot more, such as studio staff and wives, etc., click on this category link.

Of course, the input of both George Martin and Brian Epstein was immense. In fact, without their enthusiasm, hard work, and influence, The Beatles’ sound wouldn’t have been like we know it. What we basically got was the Goldilocks effect. In other words, they got everything just right!

Indeed, without George Martin and Brian Epstein, The Beatles might have been “just another band.” But, luckily, the jigsaw pieces slotted together at the right time, and The Beatles became the best band on Earth ever.

Thus, we all have a loveable bunch of Beatles people producing brilliant sounds. Of course, the pleasure that the Fab Four gave us is unmeasurable. With this in mind, we list these important Beatles people here.

Numerous key people had a hand in helping The Beatles along the way. However, we are just listing the most important ones here. So, click on the appropriate image for their respective biographies.

The Fab Four obviously gave the world so much pleasure and happiness. Together with their humour and creativity, they gave us incredible sounds that continue to bring enjoyment into our lives. However, there were other people who quite rightly deserved some credit.

Indeed, if there was ever a fifth Beatle, there should be a sixth Beatle too! That is because two special people came along at the right time and helped transform the world through music.

Finally, you may comment anywhere on the Beatles Fan Club website about the Fab Four and other influential people in their lives. Obviously, our chat rooms are the Beatles forum proper.