Johnny B Goode: Introduction
“Johnny B Goode” is a Beatles cover song on their 1994 album, “Live At The BBC.” It was originally a hit record for Chuck Berry, of course.
In Detail
- Release Date: November 30, 1994 (UK), December 5, 1994 (US)
- Recorded: January 7, 1964
- Record Label: Apple
- BBC Radio show: Saturday Club, February 15, 1964
- Songwriter: Chuck Berry
- Producer: Bernie Andrews
Performers And Instruments
- John Lennon: vocals, also the rhythm guitar
- Paul McCartney: bass guitar
- George Harrison: lead guitar
- Ringo Starr: drums
Where To Find “Johnny B Goode”
So far, the only way to buy the Fab Four’s version is on the following album:
Live At The BBC (1994)
Johnny B Goode: Background
Chuck Berry first recorded this song in January 1958, releasing it as a single with the B-side being “Around and Around.” The single peaked in the American Billboard charts at number 2 in the R&B section, while in the Hot 100 charts it reached number 8. So, this song has a good history.
The song is part autobiographical. Chuck Berry sings about an illiterate “country boy” from the New Orleans area. The original lyrics said “coloured boy,” but to ensure air play, he decided to change that. The country boy can play a guitar “just like ringing a bell.” Not only that, but one day he might have his “name in lights.”
Rock And Roll Beatles
The Beatles’ early repertoire contained many covers versions of rock and roll songs from American artists. The band members were big fans of Chuck Berry, of course. In fact, the Fab Four sang more Chuck Berry songs than songs by other artists.
“Chuck Berry was another massive influence with Johnny B Goode. We’d go up to John’s bedroom with his little record player and listen to Chuck Berry records, trying to learn them.”
Paul McCartney
“In the Fifties, when people were virtually singing about nothing, Chuck Berry was writing social-comment songs with incredible metre to the lyrics. When I hear rock, good rock, of the calibre of Chuck Berry, I just fall apart, and I have no other interest in life. The world could be ending if rock ‘n’ roll is playing.”
John Lennon
Recording Studio
The Beatles recorded the song on January 7, 1964, during a session at the Playhouse Theatre in London. This recording was for the BBC Radio show “Saturday Club,” which went on air on February 15, 1964.
Although the song is not on any of The Beatles 12 studio albums, it is available on their 1994 album, “Live At The BBC.”
Take A Listen To “Johnny B Goode”
Finally, listen to the track, and then give us your opinions.